Testimonials & Client Experiences
During my journey of growth and self-discovery over many years,
I turned a lot of corners and each time I thought “this is it!”… only
to realize soon after that “this” was just scratching the surface …
until I met Cornelia.
Through our mentoring relationship, Cornelia shared her many
gifts including healing, guidance, wisdom and holding a space of
pure love and support while keeping the truth and my soul’s
quest as the compass to chart the course.
The path to enlightenment can be challenging and even feel
impossible as one has to work hard to uncover what needs to be
healed, acknowledge it in its entirety, allow for the emotions to
surface, and transmute pain into light.
Cornelia made this journey not only possible for me, but she
turned it into an enjoyable and thoroughly empowering and
rewarding experience. Her reassuring and resounding presence,
ability to distill emotions and events to their core, strong
connection with Source energy, unwavering dedication to helping
her client and a splendid array of tools and exercises are just a
few examples of the “amazingness!“ she offers. Thank you,
Cornelia, with all my heart .
I turned a lot of corners and each time I thought “this is it!”… only
to realize soon after that “this” was just scratching the surface …
until I met Cornelia.
Through our mentoring relationship, Cornelia shared her many
gifts including healing, guidance, wisdom and holding a space of
pure love and support while keeping the truth and my soul’s
quest as the compass to chart the course.
The path to enlightenment can be challenging and even feel
impossible as one has to work hard to uncover what needs to be
healed, acknowledge it in its entirety, allow for the emotions to
surface, and transmute pain into light.
Cornelia made this journey not only possible for me, but she
turned it into an enjoyable and thoroughly empowering and
rewarding experience. Her reassuring and resounding presence,
ability to distill emotions and events to their core, strong
connection with Source energy, unwavering dedication to helping
her client and a splendid array of tools and exercises are just a
few examples of the “amazingness!“ she offers. Thank you,
Cornelia, with all my heart .
Healthcare Consultant
Through Cornelia’s intuitive and empathetic guidance, clients are able to identify and release the root cause of any obstacles that may stand in their way. Her technique is not only subtle and far reaching, it’s also profoundly effective. Highly recommended!
Dr. Kevin Poulston BS, DC
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
“This session changed my life in a miraculous way, because I feel now connected with my inherent soul. It feels like an exciting metamorphosis started and I am slowly turning into this iridescent butterfly, which was me all along.”
Forest & Nature Mindfulness Guide
“Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to expect at first, but it soon became clear that this was an extraordinary experience. I received many insights and knowledge about who I am, and have a much better understanding about why I am here.
100% worth it!”
100% worth it!”
Assistant Manager
“Things in my life (relationships, patterns, behaviors) make SO MUCH sense after my alignment session with Cornelia! I was able to completely release beliefs and agreements that I “thought” I was over, but were lingering in the subconscious. I feel lighter energetically and am able to look back at my current past (🤔) and know that I can, and am, moving on with my divine self-expression. “
Website Visibility Consultant | Web (re)Design & SEO
Cornelia has a special gift to coalesce her energies with nature and the divine principle. Therefore, she mediates the truth of the Higher Self. This is how people, who come into contact with her, are able to profoundly connect with their hearts.
Pat Edith Werner
Psychotherapist and Medium
Berlin, Germany
Berlin, Germany
Through Cornelia’s intuitive and empathetic guidance, clients are able to identify and release the root cause of any obstacles that may stand in their way. Her technique is not only subtle and far reaching, it’s also profoundly effective. Highly recommended!
Dr. Kevin Poulston BS, DC
Indian Harbour Beach, Florida
Ich bin selbst eine holistische Therapeutin und habe Cornelia um Hilfe gebeten. Ich fühle mich von Ihr verstanden, gesehen und angenommen. Cornelia hört zu, sie stimmt sich auf die Klänge meines Seins ein und erreicht so alle Ebenen. Mein Herz füllt sich mit Dankbarkeit und Freude darüber, dass ich einen Menschen gefunden habe, der MIR zuhört und mich in meiner Suche nach Freude und Frieden in mir selbst bestärkt und bestätigt.
Sabine Wendt
Spiritual Counselor
Sardinia, Italy
Sardinia, Italy
Cornelia has a unique metaphysical approach towards her work that she complements with her warm and healing presence.
Anne Geraghty
Psychotherapist and Author
‹ How Loving Relationships Work: Understanding Love’s Living Force›
Cumbria, UK
‹ How Loving Relationships Work: Understanding Love’s Living Force›
Cumbria, UK
I have worked with Cornelia for over eight months. I knew I had the ability to connect with something greater than myself and she was able to teach concepts and help me expedite and strengthen my spiritual journey. Cornelia has been monumental in helping me develop the skills and self-confidence to strengthen every aspect of my life, including coping mechanisms, alignment, manifestation techniques, finances, and most importantly my relationship with myself and Spirit. Cornelia offers meditation classes that are the perfect way to realign during the week and meet others who share similar spiritual gifts and experiences. I am forever grateful for her!
I met Cornelia through her London based practice in the mid 1990s. I attended groups she facilitated as well as individual sessions with her – she was skilled, experienced and extremely supportive at a time when I was experiencing quite a bit of change and difficulty in my life. I particularly appreciated that Cornelia trained overseas in an established and respected school with which I had not become familiar through working in the UK caring professions. The freshness of the approach and the warmth, skill, humour and patience Cornelia brings to her work with me helped me to find my feet after a very “rough patch”. It’s a pleasure to recommend her services to other people
Diana Breadmore
Southampton, UK
Southampton, UK
I met Cornelia and turned to her and started 1:1 sessions, when I was in need of lots of help and she helped me get thru some very tough and difficult moments. She took the time to listen when I needed it the most, even when I did not have an appointment or when I called she was always willing and able to listen. I miss her support very much and I know who ever looks for her services will be grateful for the help and understanding she will give
Aleata Dauwalter
Hair Stylist
Minneapolis, USA
Minneapolis, USA
Cornelia half mir in mehreren schwierigen Lebenssituationen und war dabei immer souverän und unterstützend. Ich habe mich in ihren Sessions immer wohl und gehalten gefühlt. Wenn eher schwere und stark emotional besetzte Themen aufkamen, so war der Austausch immer von einem liebevollen Respekt durchdrungen. Auch Leichtigkeit und Humor begleiteten die Sessions, was angenehm war. Cornelia findet immer die richtige Balance zwischen Ernsthaftigkeit, einer wohltuenden Ruhe, Ausgeglichenheit und Heiterkeit.
Wenn man dafür bereit ist, kann man mit Cornelia auf innere, abenteuerliche Reise aufbrechen, und mir haben diese Reisen immer große Freude bereitet.
Ich würde jederzeit wieder eine Session bei Cornelia buchen, denn danach ging es mit meinem Weg im Innen und Außen immer positiv weiter
Wenn man dafür bereit ist, kann man mit Cornelia auf innere, abenteuerliche Reise aufbrechen, und mir haben diese Reisen immer große Freude bereitet.
Ich würde jederzeit wieder eine Session bei Cornelia buchen, denn danach ging es mit meinem Weg im Innen und Außen immer positiv weiter
Petra Murr
Würzburg, Germany
Würzburg, Germany
Working with Cornelia has been a truly transformative experience. She is a compassionate and gifted spiritual mentor, a deeply insightful Akashic Record reader, and a powerful guide in personal alignment. Her kindness and genuine desire to help others shine through in everything she does.
Through her group meditations, I’ve felt an incredible sense of positive energy and abundance, leaving each session more connected and uplifted. Being part of her mentorship group has been equally profound, as she leads us on journeys of self-discovery, helping us strengthen our connection to spirit and align with our soul’s path.
Most recently, I experienced a soul realignment session with her, which provided deep clarity and confirmation that I am on the right path. It also opened new doors of understanding, helping me move forward with greater confidence and purpose.
Cornelia’s work is truly life-changing, and I am beyond grateful for her guidance and wisdom. If you are seeking deeper alignment, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, I highly recommend working with her.
Through her group meditations, I’ve felt an incredible sense of positive energy and abundance, leaving each session more connected and uplifted. Being part of her mentorship group has been equally profound, as she leads us on journeys of self-discovery, helping us strengthen our connection to spirit and align with our soul’s path.
Most recently, I experienced a soul realignment session with her, which provided deep clarity and confirmation that I am on the right path. It also opened new doors of understanding, helping me move forward with greater confidence and purpose.
Cornelia’s work is truly life-changing, and I am beyond grateful for her guidance and wisdom. If you are seeking deeper alignment, self-discovery, and spiritual growth, I highly recommend working with her.
Lucas Karabel
Fitness, Nutrition & Martial Art Coach
My experience with Cornelia’s 10 week mentorship program has been truly transformative. Under the guidance of Cornelia, I have found a deeper sense of purpose, peace, and clarity in my life. Her wisdom and support have empowered me to overcome challenges and grow both spiritually and personally. The mentorship has provided me with valuable insights and practices that have enriched my daily life, fostering a sense of peace and fulfillment. I am deeply grateful for this journey and the profound impact it has had on my overall well-being.
Consultant, Florida